Get All Queued Songs


songIdThe ID of the song to add. This is required when "nonlistSong" is not provided
nonlistSongA "live-learn" request, replaces the "title" and "artist" of the song associated with "songId"
requestsAn array of requests consisting of "name" and "amount" properties
note (optional)A note that is only visible to the streamer or mods

Websocket Events

queue-updateQueueResponseSends the full response to all connected clients
queue-eventQueueMessageEventThe relevant data to construct a message to explain how the queue was modified
reload-song-listN/AA song was updated, client should reload the songlist
update-songsongIdOnly sent if the song that was removed was a live-learn (nonlistSong)


idThe ID of the queue entity to update
songIdThe ID of the song to add. This is required when "nonlistSong" is not provided
nonlistSongA "live-learn" request, replaces the "title" and "artist" of the song associated with "songId"
requestsAn array of requests consisting of "name" and "amount" properties
note (optional)A note that is only visible to the streamer or mods

Websocket Events

queue-updateQueueResponseSends the full response to all connected clients
queue-eventQueueMessageEventThe relevant data to construct a message to explain how the queue was modified

Remove song from queue

Websocket Events

queue-updateQueueResponseSends the full response to all connected clients
queue-eventQueueMessageEventThe relevant data to construct a message to explain how the queue was modified
reload-song-listN/AA song was updated, client should reload the songlist
update-songsongIdOnly sent if the song that was removed was a live-learn (nonlistSong)

Set Song in Queue as played

Websocket Events

queue-updateQueueResponseSends the full response to all connected clients
queue-eventQueueMessageEventThe relevant data to construct a message to explain how the queue was modified
reload-song-listN/AA song was updated, client should reload the songlist
update-songsongIdOnly sent if the song that was removed was a live-learn (nonlistSong)
new-playhistoryPlayHistoryResponseNew "played" song event

Move Song to Saved Queue

Websocket Events

queue-updateQueueResponseSends the full response to all connected clients
queue-eventQueueMessageEventThe relevant data to construct a message to explain how the queue was modified
reload-song-listN/AA song was updated, client should reload the songlist
update-songsongIdOnly sent if the song that was removed was a live-learn (nonlistSong)
reload-saved-queueN/AA new song can be retrieved from the "Saved Queue" endpoint